Cuba avanza en informatización de sistema de salud
Con más de una docena de proyectos, Cuba avanza en la informatización de su sistema de salud pública, según muestra hoy la Exposición Comercial de la XII Convención Informática 2007 que se celebra en La Habana.
De acuerdo con la Política de Informatización de la Sociedad Cubana, en estos momentos se trabaja en el establecimiento de las redes nacionales de Bancos de Sangre, Nefrología, e Imágenes Médicas.
Asimismo se estructura el Registro Informatizado de Salud, el Sistema de Gestión Hospitalaria, de Atención Primaria de Salud, de Gestión Académica, los Proyectos de Genética Medica, Neurociencias, de Realizad Virtual en Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso, y de Software Educativo.
Estas iniciativas persiguen, ante todo, elevar la calidad del servicio de salud que en Cuba es completamente gratuito para todo el pueblo.
Busca crear una plataforma que permita incrementar el intercambio entre los especialistas, y que contribuya a potenciar proyectos de investigación-desarrollo y consoliden la posición de vanguardia de la medicina cubana.
La interconectividad entre las diferentes unidades hospitalarias se propone crear de manera progresiva bases de conocimiento que faciliten la toma de decisiones administrativas y clínicas.
Un eslabón fundamental de ese proceso descansa en garantizar el acceso a la Red Telemática de la Salud INFOMED a todas las unidades y trabajadores del sistema sanitario nacional.
Con un amplio uso de las Tecnologías de la Informática y las Comunicaciones (TIC), en Cuba se obtienen en estos momentos resultados de alto impacto en las biotecnologías como terapias antivirales contra el VIH SIDA, y una vacuna pentavalente pediátrica.
Cuba es el segundo país en el mundo que logra un producto semejante, solo antecedido por Francia.
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By Jobove - Reus, at 10:08 AM
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By Juan Ortega, at 1:42 AM
] When Major Pendleton Talbot, of Mobile, sir, and his daughter, Miss Lydia Talbot, came to Washington to reside, they selected for a boarding place a house that stood fifty yards back from one of the quietest avenues.. The little vessel furled her sails and drifted slowly landward, and as she was of very light draft, she came close to the shelving shore.. Pike had known and pondered long.. Saying that beef-eating is befitting , etc. ] I Just as the stage rumbled over the rickety old bridge, creaking and groaning, the sun came from behind the clouds that had frowned all the way, and the passengers cheered up a bit.. He caught up the Colonel's stick, which was lying on the table.. What once ruled in the waking state when the psychic life was still young and unfit seems to have been banished into the sleeping state, just as we see again in the nursery the bow and arrow, the discarded primitive weapons of grown-up humanity.. The unconscious is the larger circle which includes within itself the smaller circle of the conscious; everything conscious has its preliminary step in the unconscious, whereas the unconscious may stop with this step and still claim full value as a psychic activity.. The shadow passed over the mountain's brow and reappeared far below, a rapidly decreasing blot, flying eastward over the golden green.. Of course it is different, was the reply, but I am obliged to say, as I said before, that I really cannot accept it.. I have no doubt that when Aurelia is engaged, people will say that she is a most admirable girl, certainly; but they cannot understand why any man should be in love with her.. Thus the dream facade may show us directly the true core of the dream, distorted through admixture with other matter.. I identify myself with him because the fate of his discovery appears to me typical of the acceptance of my own.. It was of no use to him.. My young mother and my young grandmother are very distinct figures in my memory, ministering to the old gentleman, wrapped in his dressing-gown, and seated upon the piazza.. I heard some of the ladies here talking last evening of Mrs.. Yes, seh, I's had champagne, and it's a nice kind of lickeh sho enough; but, Misteh Stuhk, seh, I don' want any of them high-tone drinks to-night, an' ef yo' don' mind, I'd rather amble off 'lone, or mebbe eat that po'k-chop with some otheh cullud man, ef I kin fin' one that ain' one of them no-'count Carolina niggers.. Dear mother, said Edward, how I pitied you for having to endure Mrs. It is doubtful if he hoped to become governor of the state, at least before an advanced period in his career.. A deep bed of drifted snow lay close by the side of the road not far in front...
By Anonymous, at 10:43 PM
We'll see how he holds out.. At certain intervals, some of the best speakers mount the platform, and speak a piece, which is generally as declamatory as possible.. Ross pressed his lips hard together; his heart swelled with the rage of the misunderstood.. It was not champagne or recreation that he needed, not even a po'k-chop, although his desire for it had been a symptom, a groping for a too homeopathic remedy: he was homesick.. The suppression extends over the unconscious ideation, because the liberation of pain might emanate from the ideation.. O motley meal! fantastic vision! The good mother saw her lord sitting opposite, a grave, respectable being, eating muffins.. The student to whom he gave the instruction is a particularly unpleasant fellow; he had said to the chemist: That isn't right, because the magnesium was still unaffected, and the latter answered as though he did not care anything about it: It certainly isn't right.. He could not believe his senses.. It is a habit not exclusively tropical.. He stepped nearer to a small picture which particularly took his fancy in order to see the name of the artist, which, however, was quite unknown to him.. Moreover, just as it is naturally not the busiest physicians who form such alliances with dental practitioners, so in the psychic life only such foreconscious or conscious ideas are chosen to cover a repressed idea as have not themselves attracted much of the attention which is operative in the foreconscious.. The gentle sweetness of his wife melted every heart into love and sympathy.. Behind the bells was the squire in his sleigh drawn by his fastest stepper, and he was alone, as the deacon was not.. IV The Ellsworths were holding a family indignation meeting on the broad porch when the Van Ramps came contentedly down for a walk, and brushed by them with unseeing eyes.. The driver bent suddenly forward.. Aground! exclaimed Podington, Heaven be praised! As the two men stood up in the submerged wagon the water was above their knees, and when Podington looked out over the surface of the pond, now so near his face, it seemed like a sheet of water he had never seen before.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches as she said it, and never the suspicion of a smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. There was a glow upon his cheek-bones, and a faint tinge upon his prominent nose.. Why, dear, interrupted his wife, I didn't know you ever went up the Matterhorn.. What part now remains in our description of the once all-powerful and all-overshadowing consciousness? None other than that of a sensory organ for the perception of psychic qualities...
By Anonymous, at 10:27 AM
Estimado WebMaster:
Estimados compatriotas.
Me presento, mi nombre es Mario Cuevas y soy estudiante de nutricion de la U. Finisterrae de Stgo, Chile y el motivo de este mensaje es para invitarlos a un hermoso proyecto que tengo con mi socio Andres Acevedo, (Lic. de la U. del Bio-Bio, Concepcion, Chile) a que se inscriban a en la pagina (Foro Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Nutricion), para que compartiesemos opiniones, libros, archivos, etc con otros estudiantes de nutricion de latinoamerica
los esperamos a todos, es una pagina abierta a toda la comunidad
Atte. Mario Cuevas y Andres Acevedo
By Mario_labrie, at 3:30 PM
Hola: Ante todo, soy Webmaster del sitio web:
He encontrado tu Blog y me ha interesado muchisimo, por lo que me gustaría incluirte en mi listado de Blogs y a la vez pusieses nuestra página como enlace en tu Blog. Si te interesa enviame un e-mail a la siguiente dirección:
By CreadorWeb, at 5:35 AM
Buenas tardes, espero que lea este mensaje Dr. Silvio Perea, tengo un sobrino de 11 años, Angel, que padece de cancer cerebral, he leido su blog y las investigaciones que Ud. realiza y estoy convencida que con su gran conocimiento podria interesarse en observar este caso tan delicado. Mi correo es Jussi, peruana. Mil gracias.
By Jussi Ccoyllo, at 12:30 PM
La enfermedad del vih durante los últimos 3 años y el dolor difícil de comer y la tos son pesadillas, especialmente el primer año En esta etapa, el sistema inmunológico está gravemente debilitado, y el riesgo de contraer infecciones oportunistas es mucho mayor. Sin embargo, no todas las personas con VIH desarrollarán el SIDA. Cuanto antes reciba el tratamiento, mejor será su resultado. Empecé a tomar el ARV para evitar una muerte prematura pero tenía fe en Dios de que algún día me curaría. Como paciente de VIH, se nos aconseja tomar tratamientos antirretrovirales para reducir la posibilidad de transmitir el virus a otros, hace unas semanas busqué en Internet si podía obtener información sobre el tratamiento del VIH con hierbas medicinales, en mi búsqueda vi el testimonio de alguien que se ha curado del VIH, su nombre era Achima Abelard y otra patente del virus del herpes, Tasha Moore, que también dio testimonio sobre este mismo hombre, llamado Dr. Itua Herbal Center. Me conmovió el testimonio y me puse en contacto con él a través de su Hablamos y me envió una botella de medicina herbal que tomé según sus instrucciones. Después de beberla me pidió que me hiciera una prueba de que como terminé mi vida de sufrimiento de la patente del VIH, estoy curada y libre de las píldoras de Arv. Le estoy eternamente agradecido, Drituaherbalcenter. Aquí su número de contacto +2348149277967... Me aseguró que puede curar las siguientes enfermedades... VIH, cáncer, virus del herpes, Hpv, pilotes, erección débil, enfermedad de Lyme, epilepsia, glaucoma.., Tumor cerebral, psoriasis, cataratas, degeneración macular, enfermedad cardiovascular, diarrea crónica, enfermedad pulmonar, próstata agrandada, osteoporosis, enfermedad de Alzheimer,
Demencia. Cáncer de vejiga, autismo, cáncer colorrectal, cáncer de mama, cáncer de riñón, leucemia, cáncer de pulmón, enfermedad de Tay Tach, linfoma no Hodgkin, cáncer de piel, lupus, cáncer de útero, cáncer de próstata, convulsiones, fibromialgia, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, hepatitis, polio, enfermedad de Parkinson. Enfermedad genética, enfermedad de fibrodisplasia, fibrodisplasia osificante progresiva, síndrome de toxicidad de la fluoroquinolona, apoplejía, Hpv, erección débil, inflamación del hígado y del riñón, infertilidad masculina y femenina, enfermedad intestinal, enfermedad de Huntington, diabetes, fibroma.
By Tara Omar, at 11:01 AM
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